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Old Glory

The Incredible Story of "Old Glory," America's Most Beloved Flag

A Banner of Resilience and Symbol of National Pride


Old Glory is a cherished nickname for the flag of the United States. Its origins trace back to the 19th century, when American sea captain William Driver proudly displayed a vibrant banner on his ship. This original Old Glory, scarred from countless seafaring adventures, now resides in the Smithsonian's National Museum of American History (NMAH), second only in fame to Francis Scott Key's Star-Spangled Banner.


In a stirring declaration, Old Glory proclaims, "I am the flag of the United States of America. I fly atop the world's tallest buildings and stand watch in America's halls of justice." Its resilience is as remarkable as its history, having endured harrowing sea journeys, escaped Confederate capture, and remained intact through tumultuous storms.


Old Glory's moniker has become synonymous with the flag of America. Its story is a testament to the nation's spirit of perseverance and the unwavering dedication of its people. As the most universally recognized symbol of the United States, Old Glory continues to inspire and unite Americans to this day.
