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Automated Calculations For Efficient Production

Satisfactory Excel Calculator Makes Factory Planning a Breeze

Automated Calculations for Efficient Production

Calculating the materials and production rates for a complex factory in Satisfactory can be a time-consuming task. To streamline this process, YouTuber XxUnkn0wnxX has created a comprehensive Excel calculator that automates these calculations.

User-Friendly Interface

The calculator features an intuitive interface with drop-down menus and a customizable blue field. Users can select their desired recipe and output rate, and the calculator will automatically calculate the required quantities of materials, machines, and production lines.

Comprehensive Analysis

In addition to calculating material requirements, the calculator also provides detailed production chain analysis. This allows users to identify bottlenecks, optimize their factory layout, and plan for future expansions.

Time Savings and Accuracy

By using this tool, players can significantly reduce the time spent on tedious calculations. Moreover, the automated nature of the calculations eliminates errors and ensures accuracy.


XxUnkn0wnxX's Excel calculator is a game-changer for players looking to create efficient and optimized factories in Satisfactory. Its user-friendly interface, comprehensive analysis, and time-saving features make it an indispensable tool for any serious factory builder.
